
Through the following games you will be able to learn and exercise literacy skills in a playful and entertaining way. We invite you to learn by playing!

Remember to find all our games for free on the Primero LEE app, available for download on Android and iOS.

All our following pedagogic games are in spanish only. By clicking on then you´ll be redirected to our spanish resources pages.

Playing with sounds: aimed at 4- to 6-year-old children to exercise phonological awareness

Playing with letters: aimed at 5- to 7-year-old children to exercise the sound of letters, reading and writing

Journey through the letters: aimed at 6-year-old children to practice reading

● Games to practice: aimed at 7-year-old children and older to practice reading texts and reading comprehension.

As a Foundation we want all children to be able to access quality material to support the development of their literacy skills. Click here to access student’s worksheets and extra material used by the Primero LEE program from Preschool to 4th grade.


Join our project and together we can help shorten the educational gap in children at social risk.

Help us Crecer con Todos!

Do you want to make a one-time donation?

Do it by clicking the “Donate” button or make a bank transfer to:

Fundación Primero Lee, Rut: 65.044.442-6, Banco Santander (Checking account), Number: 73703042, Email: primerolee@fundació

We provide a Donation Certificate:

Our Foundation is registered with the Ministry of Social Development and Family in Chile, thus allowing us to issue Donation Certificates which are available both for companies and individuals, according to the Law of donations for social purposes N° 19.885.

About us

Crecer con Todos Educational Foundation was created in 2010 to face the harsh and crude reality of Chilean education, which yields unencouraging results in reading:

“In Chile, 6 out of 10 4th grade children living in vulnerable contexts can’t read or understand what they read. Let’s work with Primero LEE program to change this reality TODAY!”.


Address: Carlos Silva Vildósola 1320, office 201, Providencia, Santiago, Chile.

Phone number: (562) 22368400

